Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mr. Carter

There is a man. Correction: he is more than a man; a Legend some might say. His name is Dwayne Carter Jr., aka Mr. Carter, aka Weezy, aka Lil Wayne. The Greatest Rapper alive.

A brave group of documentarians has made a two hour biopic about his life. They followed him around for 6 months and filmed everything. At the beginning of the process, they had Lil Wayne's blessing, but once it was all said and done and they showed him a screening of the first cut, he was not pleased and withdrew his support. That's how real that shit gets.

My bestie JD downloaded this masterpiece from iTunes and we are screening it tomorrow night at his house while enjoying some sizzurp. Well, not real sizzurp, because none of us have a prescription for codine. We are going to make raps and beats and listen to Lil Wayne until our ears bleed. We call this epic fest THA CARTER WEEKEND.

Sizzurp recipe for those who aren't from the streets:
2 liter of A&W root beer
1 small bottle liquid codine
1 small bottle robitussin

That mess will kill you. Apparently. I obviously do not take part in drugs, or mixing drugs for that matter, but to get the full effect of living the life of Lil Wayne, I'm going to probably drink some champagne. And pour some out for my lost homies. And take a swig of Robitussin because I'm feeling a bit of a sore throat and cough coming on anyway.

We have been talking, thinking, breathing Lil Wayne literally nonstop since we learned of this documentary. We already knew wholeheartedly Lil Wayne is the best rapper of our generation, and then to learn that there was a controversial film of his insane life out there for the world's watching, we automatically went into Weezy worship mode. My daily stream of consciousness for the last five days has been Lil Wayne lyrics, quotes from the first ten minutes of the documentary that we found leaked on youtube, and new freestyle lines that come to mind because of the constant Carter inspiration. Needless to say, its been the best five days of our lives, and tomorrow night is going to be the culmination of all things Lil Wayne and we could not be more excited. It will be like the Christmas morning of hip hop.

There will be pictures taken, and rap battles fought. Stay tuned. Here is a convo between me and JD, just a smudge of our pages and pages of dialogue regarding Lil Wayne. I found this one particularly amusing, following the best tweet I've ever made:

TWEET: ash412: tha carter weekend starts tomorrow. can we survive it? as weezy says, "matter of fact its gon kill me b*tch".

bubblesavd3 (6:21:16 PM): i just tweeted the most thug tweet of my life. it even shocked myself.
johnnybravo3dx (6:21:30 PM): i saw
johnnybravo3dx (6:21:34 PM): i almost threw up in excitement
bubblesavd3 (6:22:10 PM): i'm just reading it over and over like a heartfelt greeting card.
johnnybravo3dx (6:24:35 PM): i am so proud of you
bubblesavd3 (6:26:06 PM): i may or may not be writing a blog post right now completely dedicated to the carter weekend.
johnnybravo3dx (6:26:49 PM): haha
johnnybravo3dx (6:27:10 PM): since we're being real right now
johnnybravo3dx (6:27:12 PM): can I tell you deep down how badly i want to call someone a "bitch ass nigga" and mean it

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