Thursday, July 16, 2009

Beers and Babies

A natural and obvious fact of life as you get older is that you will be inevitably blindsided with things you had not prepared for. This week, I've been bombarded with a maturity epiphany I did not see coming:

People you know getting fatter.

Being in California, and just getting the hell out of Palm Coast in general, I don't stay in touch with a lot of my acquaintances from high school. Facebook is my link to the past. Not only are people having children (which is a whole 'nother realization I had to learn to deal with) they are gaining, ahem, "baby weight", a.k.a., 40 pounds.

Now, when I calm myself down, I understand that I can't expect people to have the body of a 13-21 year old forever. Just the initial shock of seeing their bloated facebook photos is alarming. And, really? 20 pounds? What are you doing?! I can understand 7-10 pounds here or there as you reach your late 20's, but good Lord people. And with all that gettin it on you're doing to make those 3 kids, you'd think the cardio would melt away some of those pounds. Also, if you are still under the age of 30 and have the time to party at classy Razzles in Daytona Beach with your buddies, there's no excuse as to why you are a fatty. Go outside and bench press the cinder blocks your car is sitting on, or chase around your 4 dogs.

The people who have shocked me the most are the people I saw just a few months ago. Either while I was still living in Flagler, or when I came home for winter vacation. At their peak physical shape, and now, 6-9 months later, put on a few pants sizes. Most of these people being those whom enjoy a few (read: 17) beers a night, and now that they are near the end of their college years, don't have the metabolism or liver like they used to. Some though, I could NEVER envision overweight. If you showed me my current Facebook 8 years ago, I would've had a lot less self-esteem issues throughout school. "Yeah, invite that future fat chick/mom-of-two-when-she's-20 to prom. I'm good, thanks."

I hope no one is reading this right now thinking about me, "I laugh at your Facebook everyday fat ass!" My vow as of this day for my future is to gain only wrinkles and fame.


  1. This is good ... I feel the same and I'm in the next town over! You don't have to live in LA to realize how much people let themselves go! It's super sad really.

  2. hey ashley, i work with your sister and found your blog thru hers. freakin' awesome so far, keep it up! but yeah, i feel the same way about this - i don't keep up with many hs friends but i read one's blog and, though she doesn't post many pics of herself, am amazed that she has those fat mom-who-buys-white bread-regular coke-and-hot dogs-at-walmart arms... unfortunately i'm already gaining the wrinkles but i'm probably in better physical shape than i was in HS and i plan to keep it that way!

  3. get it girl! thanks for reading my crazy ramblings bethany! :)


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